Golf and Life
Mar 14, 2019
Yesterday was a pretty cool day for me. I found out an editor of a golf magazine is a member of my website, that his game has improved significantly under my coaching and that he enjoys reading my blog posts and articles. He contacted me to ask about writing more instructional articles and to keep blogging until my hearts content. Golfers enjoy what I have to say and offer.
I also found out one of my postings is being used by the PGA because of the message it sends. It has a message that will hopefully change someone’s outlook on life and golf.
My blog posts are different. They are about golf and life which are two completely different arenas, but match up perfectly with one another. Some posts are light hearted and fun, others are educational and others can be deep and stir emotions. That is what writing and blogging is all about.
Today’s topic is about what I call defining moments. Golf and life are full of definining moments and how we handle each moment carries over into other rounds or daily interactions.
Golf courses and life are full of hazards and obstacles. Every time we tee it up on the course or walk out the door we are going to be faced with them. Some are just bad luck like dealing with a perfect drive that rolls into a deep divot, a playing companion who blatantly cheats or encountering an unpleasant person that has some obvious problems. Each of these situations will elicit an emotional response but the emotional response we choose is the definining moment. A large amount of people aren’t in control of their emotions and can’t handle situations without anger, projection, gaslighting and more. But we are not most people we are humble and choose to not throw a tantrum, call names, curse and act foolish! We will step back assess and move forward with dignity and class! Even when you have done nothing wrong and encounter a hazard, show integrity, class and dignity. These are the moments that define you. Did you let the hazard on the course win? Or the hazard you dealt with off the course win? The softest pillow is a clear conscience and handling yourself with class, dignity and integrity make that pillow even softer.
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